Corsica, September 2013
Our intended landfall, Baia Galeria, was untenable as an anchorage as the wind suddenly increased and blew steadily from the South West, so we altered course and headed up the absolutely stunning West coast, under sail at last! And found a brilliant anchorage, La Ravellata, only open to the North, just round the point from Calvi. We spent an enjoyable few days here, totally sheltered from the persistent Southerlies (6 - 8), with a good beach at the head of the bay and plenty to watch.
And the awards go to:
- Simon, for valiantly putting up with the longest steam we have made in Stravaigin so far – just about the entire 235 miles from Menorca to Corsica - even managing to admire the moon on the glassy sea, enjoy the dolphins at night and remain alert at all times. By far the most philosophical person on board – the skipper thinking about all those engine hours and all that diesel, the mate getting hotter and hotter and crosser & crosser as sleep eluded her and the galley became like an oven.
And the most important one:
Four candidates passed the 1965 Clearance Diving Long Course, out of 12 who started – one died some years ago, sadly, so they really are the last three standing! 6 days of reminiscence, backchat and nonsense followed, with a background of good dinners, plenty of wine and some breathtaking road trips round the island. 
The highlight of the week was taking Stravaigin out into Calvi Bay, securing the Avon with Bryan and camera to a rickety pontoon, then putting the boat through her paces [John at the helm, Mike on the foredeck, Jos & I handling the odd sheet] in 25 knots of wind. For me, it was wonderful to sit back and watch the years just fall away from the trio.